Alipay Cracks Down on Fake Live Streaming WeChat Accounts and Mismatched Goods

TapTechNews May 13 news, TapTechNews learned from the Alipay platform governance team that the official has carried out a series of special governance actions against the infringement, counterfeiting, and illegal marketing behaviors such as live streaming with fake goods WeChat official account names, mismatched goods, and false and exaggerated publicity in the live streaming field on the platform.

Alipay stated that as of April this year, the platform has completed the first batch of governance for personal and corporate fake and infringing official WeChat account names, with a total of 658 fake and infringing accounts being removed. It is reported that this concentrated removal involves individuals or companies impersonating brand owners, whose WeChat official account names contain words such as flagship, special sale, exclusive operation, and official, which constitute infringement.

According to reports, this batch of accounts includes fake Heartprint official flagship store, Antarctic children's underwear flagship store, and other unofficially certified WeChat official account names, as well as Liu Fu official flagship store and other infringing accounts that are easy to confuse consumers.

Alipay officials also stated that the platform governance team has conducted special risk inspections on live streaming influencers and products, handling a total of 516 user feedback and complaint opinions, with 52 complaints of mismatches goods confirmed. Ultimately, 11 products were frozen and 16 influencer live streams were banned. In one case, a seller sold a belt claiming to be made of genuine cowhide, but it was actually made of PU material, causing serious mismatched goods issues.
