Tencent Launches Earthquake Early Warning Function on QQ Platform

TapTechNews user tyhguan, Xiao Zhan's uncle, TaoEngine, Han Xiaoyou Hongru, Neko_233, vegetable dog, Tianhe Alliance, imlufeng, Jiyin Ke Si, gggxbbb, and pz reasoned that the diagnosis of the big clues are submitted! TapTechNews reported on May 13th that according to the official WeChat account of Tencent, Tencent launched earthquake early warning function on the QQ platform today. At the same time, it also upgraded the early warning function on the WeChat platform and the 'Sichuan Earthquake Early Warning Platform WeChat Mini Program', realizing the ability to issue earthquake early warning within 5-15 seconds after shaking for earthquakes above magnitude 5 in the whole province of Sichuan. Verified by TapTechNews, the current early warning function only supports Sichuan Province (earthquake information in Sichuan and surrounding 50 kilometers). Users can search for the WeChat official account 'Sichuan Earthquake Institute' and follow the official account to enable earthquake early warning; for the QQ platform, users can search and follow the official account 'QQ Full City Support', and then set the warning location and intensity range. Tencent also stated that they are currently cooperating and developing the 'National WeChat Earthquake Early Warning Service Platform' guided by the China Earthquake Administration, which is now in the beta testing stage, and the related functions will soon be launched nationwide. The earthquake early warning function of QQ Full City Support will gradually cover more provinces.
