Apple's New Feature in iOS18 LockedCameraCapture Framework

TapTechNews June 13 - In iOS18, Apple has introduced a brand new framework called LockedCameraCapture for developers, meaning users can directly open third-party camera apps on the lock screen.

Apple's iOS18 has expanded the control center to support the addition of third-party applications, facilitating users' quick access. In addition, the control center also integrates the lock and operation buttons, and third-party camera apps like Halide will be able to create a control center camera button and then add it to the control center and store it in the new control center gallery.

Apple has also loosened the restrictions on the quick buttons on the lock screen, not just the standard camera and flashlight, and users can choose their favorite third-party applications and be able to select the controls in the control center.

All these interconnected end results are that users can set a quick access camera button for third-party camera applications on the lock screen.

The third-party camera application, by invoking a specific LockedCameraCapture framework, can open the camera mode when the iPhone is locked, imitating the functionality of the standard camera application.

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Moreover, this framework is not only limited to camera apps, as any app that needs to call the camera can be used on the lock screen. TapTechNews quoted the media report that social networks such as Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, etc. can take advantage of this framework to create a camera button in the control center, similarly, in the domestic environment, the lock screen interface should also be able to directly support opening the scan function of Alipay and WeChat, but this requires future application adaptation and updates.
