Leica M12 Rangefinder Camera Design Revealed

LeicaRumors, a foreign media, recently exposed the design drawing of Leica M12 rangefinder camera, as reported by TapTechNews on June 3. In addition to the previously reported 'emoving the ISO dial + 'optoelectronic hybrid' viewfinder', the latest design drawing shows that the camera will also remove the buttons on the back of the camera.

Refer to the illustration, the back of this machine only has a 3.9-inch screen, and the relevant design is similar to the Leica T/TL product line. Users must click the virtual buttons to switch the viewfinder mode/peak focusing/view photos and other operations.

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In addition, a foreign media also exposed the screenshot of what is said to be the 'optoelectronic hybrid viewfinder' of the M12 camera, and at the same time mentioned that the size of the M12 camera will be reduced, and the height is said to be 3mm lower than that of the current M11.

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Currently, the completion degree of the Leica M12 camera is already quite high. Based on the listing cycle of the Leica M11/M10R and the pre-listing foreign media reporting cycle, it is very likely that Leica will break the '6 years for an update' situation of the digital M series cameras and launch the M12 camera as soon as next year (the current M11 was released in 2022).

Related Reading:

'A decision against the ancestors': It is reported that the Leica M12 camera will introduce an EVF electronic viewfinder.
