Baidu's Wenxin Models Free, Reasons Revealed

On May 28th at noon, at the 2024 Smart Economy Forum, Shen Dou, the executive vice president of Baidu Group and the president of Baidu Intelligent Cloud Business Group, introduced the reasons behind the free main large-scale models of the Wenxin series.

Shen Dou said, why can the price be brought down? Mainly relying on technical capabilities, especially Baidu Intelligent Cloud has the industry's most efficient AI heterogeneous computing power management platform and the two hard powers of 'one cloud with multiple chips'. At present, the Wenxin large model already has the largest industrial landing scale in China, and more than half of the central enterprises are jointly conducting AI innovation with Baidu.

In fact, the reason why we decided to make it free is particularly simple. We hope that everyone will no longer spend every day comparing prices in spreadsheets. With this time, it is better to compete in scenarios and applications. Now that the cost is lower, everyone can be bolder in innovation and take faster steps to try all relevant scenarios and quickly verify. Once it succeeds, it will be quickly replicated. Shen Dou said.

A week ago, Baidu Intelligent Cloud announced that the two main models, ERNIESpeed and ERNIELite, are completely free. It is understood that the two models that are free this time are the main models often used by customers in scenario applications, and have a very high call volume in scenarios such as copywriting creation, chat conversations, knowledge Q&A, and content continuation.

At the meeting, Shen Dou revealed for the first time the reasons behind the model being free and why the price can be brought down, mainly relying on technical capabilities, especially the industry's most efficient AI heterogeneous computing power management platform and the two hard powers of 'one cloud with multiple chips'.

Related reading:

Baidu Announces that the Wenxin Large Model ENIRESpeed and ENIRELite are Completely Free and Take Effect Immediately.
