EA Preparing Next Battlefield Game with New Details

TapTechNews June 25th news, @KekanKok posted a message on Reddit stating that EA has begun to prepare for the next installment of the Battlefield series game. It is alleged that the new work code-named TIMELESSFIELDS has a campaign storyline, and EA is currently recruiting actresses (motion capture actors) for a character named Rozonda. An image can be seen here: https://img.taptechnews.com/news/2024/06/1719324707565302.png. EA's casting file reveals more setting information about this new work, including a Croatian background, and the heroine is a Slavic woman with the identity of a special forces operator and characteristics such as having a quick temper and despising the weak. Rozonda. Ages 25-35, Slavic woman. Accent: Authentic Croatian, Bosnian or Serbian. Playing as a special forces operator. She is a tactician with extraordinary mental and physical courage. She wants to earn the respect and attention of others. She has a quick temper and despises the weak. Physically fit and athletically capable, and can easily use prop weapons. TapTechNews found that EA also launched a hiring veterans program some time ago, aiming to invite professionals to help with the development of games such as Battlefield, and has clearly recruited two American soldiers as military advisors for the new Battlefield work.