Xinghe Dynamics Aerospace's Successful Launch and Future Plans

TapTechNews May 31, 2024. At 7:39 am Beijing time on May 31, 2024, Xinghe Dynamics Aerospace successfully launched the Ceres-1 (Yao 12)・Jiangnan Concentration Zone No. Carrier Rocket (Mission Code: Heroes) at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, and successfully sent a total of 5 satellites including the Aurora Constellation 01 Star (Fudan Information Star), 02 Star (No. 1 of Shanghai Dianji University), Hebei Linxi No. 1 Satellite, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Satellite, and Nishuihan No. 2 Satellite into the 535-kilometer dawn and dusk orbit.

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The Aurora Constellation 01 Star (Fudan Information Star) and 02 Star (No. 1 of Shanghai Dianji University) were jointly developed by Beijing Aurora Xingtong Technology Co., Ltd. in cooperation with China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, Shanghai Aispace, Xinghe Dynamics Aerospace, Beijing Tianlian Measurement and Control, Fuchang Space, Xuntian Aerospace, No. 29 Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, School of Information Science and Engineering, Fudan University, and Shanghai Dianji University. They will carry out long-term communication verification work between satellites and between satellites and the ground in orbit, building a laser communication in-orbit experiment platform, which can respond to different rates, different systems, and different orbital spacings of service scenarios in orbit. It can fully explore the influence factors such as the space environment, hot and cold alternations, platform attitude disturbances, and orbital control maneuvers on long-term link establishment communication that the industry focuses on, further optimize the ATP tracking algorithm, and explore the feasibility and robustness of the application of low-level components in commercial aerospace. It conducts in-orbit verification in advance for the application feasibility of laser communication in the giant constellation of low-orbit satellite Internet in China, accumulates in-orbit data, and shares the test data with users and industry experts, laying the foundation for accelerating the construction of the giant constellation in China.

The Hebei Linxi No. 1 Satellite was jointly developed by Tianjin Yunyao Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. and Beijing Juntian Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. This satellite is a meteorological remote sensing satellite, equipped with a GNSS occultation atmospheric sounding payload, which can obtain information such as atmospheric temperature, humidity, pressure, and ionospheric electron density, making up for the insufficiency of traditional meteorological observation methods. The satellite adopts the Juntian No.1 satellite platform, which fully reflects the design concept of modularity, integration, and low cost. The platform uses the intelligent in-orbit management system independently developed by Juntian Aerospace, greatly improving the autonomous management ability and comprehensive utilization efficiency of the satellite.

The Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Satellite and the Nishuihan No. 2 Satellite fully inherit the mature products and development technical plans of infrared remote sensing satellites, and have the characteristics of high integration, light weight, small volume, and high cost performance. The satellite is equipped with GNSS occultation and long-wave infrared camera payloads. Through the inversion of GNSS occultation data, the temperature, humidity, pressure of the atmosphere and electron density of the ionosphere can be obtained, and the target information can be obtained through the long-wave infrared camera, which has broad application prospects and application values in the field of meteorological observation.

The pero vskite module of Guangyin Technology is used as the test load to enter the space with the rocket to collect and analyze data such as the operating tolerance and efficiency of perovskite solar cells in the extreme environment of space.

TapTechNews noted that this launch mission is the continuous launch mission completed by Xinghe Dynamics Aerospace only one day after completing the Ceres-1 sea-launch type (Yao 2) mission on the 29th of this month, and it is the shortest interval of two commercial launches delivered by a private commercial rocket enterprise.

Up to now, Xinghe Dynamics Aerospace has served nearly 20 commercial satellite customers and successfully launched 44 different types of commercial satellites.

Xinghe Dynamics Aerospace also announced the Ceres-1 (Yao 13) carrier rocket badge today and announced that it will select an appropriate time to implement the Ceres-1 (Yao 13) commercial launch vehicle launch mission in the near future. The mission code: LoveOnTop.

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