Spotify's CarThing to Shut Down, Will Provide Refund

TapTechNews May 31st, Spotify launched the CarThing automotive monitor at the beginning of 2021 and opened it for sale in the US at the beginning of 2022. This is a special music center console for cars, and the only function is to connect to Spotify for listening to music. It sells for $90 (TapTechNews note: currently about 653 Chinese yuan).

Referring to TapTechNews' previous report, Spotify recently confirmed that it will shut down the CarThing on December 9th, 2024. After that, this device will become a brick. After attracting widespread criticism and potential class-action lawsuits, the company announced yesterday that it will provide a refund service to all users (users need to provide proof of purchase).

Spotifys CarThing to Shut Down, Will Provide Refund_0

But TapTechNews noticed that although Spotify plans to provide a refund service for the CarThing, the device will still become a brick on December 9th. On the support page, Spotify restated the relevant service shutdown date and told users that once the device stops working, they should reset the device and dispose of it.
