MicroSnow Electronics Launches Thermal Imaging Module for Raspberry Pi and Smartphones

TapTechNews May 20th news, Waveshare of MicroSnow Electronics has launched a far-infrared (LWIR) thermal imaging module specifically designed for Raspberry Pi, and at the same time launched a Type-C version suitable for smartphones. The overseas price is both $119.99 (TapTechNews note: currently about 868 RMB). The domestic price is 699 RMB.

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This infrared thermal imaging module offers two versions of 45° FOV and 90° FOV. The 40-pin GPIO version can be directly installed on the Raspberry Pi.

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In addition, the on-board Type-C version can be directly connected to a PC/Android phone for use.

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TapTechNews attaches the following technical specifications:

Adopts a hybrid technology of microbolometer and thermopile, with 80(H) × 62(V) pixels

No shutter design, supports continuous operation and thermal image video stream

Has a noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) of 150 mK RMS @ 1 Hz refresh rate, and good noise performance

Supports output of thermal imaging video stream with a maximum of 25 FPS frame rate

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