OpenAI to Suspend 'Sky' Voice of ChatGPT

On May 20, TapTechNews reported that OpenAI announced to suspend the 'Sky' voice used for the voice function of its chat robot ChatGPT. The reason was that users pointed out that the voice was very similar to that of actress Scarlett Johansson.

OpenAI to Suspend 'Sky' Voice of ChatGPT_0

TapTechNews noticed that in a blog post, OpenAI stated that 'Sky' is just one of the five available voices and its source is an actress, but it is not deliberately imitating Scarlett Johansson. Scarlett Johansson once starred in the movie 'Her', in which she played the virtual assistant system that made the male lead fall in love.

On May 14, OpenAI released the new GPT-4o model, and GPT-4o can understand users' voice questions and answer them with voice.
