Apple to Partner with OpenAI and ChatGPT's Update on iOS

TapTechNews June 6 news, there are only a few days left before Apple officially partners with OpenAI and introduces similar ChatGPT-like intelligent functions into iOS18.

 Apple to Partner with OpenAI and ChatGPTs Update on iOS_0

On the eve of this blockbuster news being revealed, the official iOS application of ChatGPT迎来 a major update (1.2024.150), and users can now continue to have conversations with ChatGPT while using other applications. This will bring a powerful interactive experience comparable to the desktop side to iPhone users.

TapTechNews noticed that this new multitasking function of ChatGPT is by default in the off state and needs to be manually enabled. The following are the detailed steps:

Update the ChatGPT application to the latest version.

Click the user name at the bottom of the sidebar to open the application settings.

Scroll down and turn on the background conversation option.


After enabling the background conversation function, users can start a voice conversation with ChatGPT and then leave the application and continue to talk. Even if the user is using other applications, they can still have a conversation with the ChatGPT voice assistant.

It is still not clear how much impact this background running function will have on the device performance or battery life, but its power is undeniable, greatly reducing the limitations of the ChatGPT application.
