Visionox Develops World's First AMOLED Display Driver Chip with Embedded RRAM Storage Technology

TapTechNews July 31, it is reported that Visionox stated on the interactive platform that the company has completed the development and certification of the world's first AMOLED display driver chip using the embedded RRAM (Resistive Random Access Memory) storage technology.

TapTechNews note: RRAM, also known as memristor, is a prospective next-generation non-volatile memory based on the reversible conversion between high-resistance state and low-resistance state of the material's resistance under the action of an external electric field. It has many characteristics such as easy size reduction, high speed, low power consumption, low cost, and easy compatibility with CMOS processes.

 Visionox Develops Worlds First AMOLED Display Driver Chip with Embedded RRAM Storage Technology_0

According to the introduction, this new AMOLED display driver chip was jointly developed by Visionox and the driver chip design company SumMicro Electronics, and the memory design company Raycore Microelectronics provided technical support.

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Visionox said that compared with traditional chips, this new AMOLED display driver chip uses embedded RRAM storage technology, which has multiple advantages such as lower cost, smaller area, and higher efficiency, and meets the requirements for mass production.
