IKEA Opens First Design Order Center in Chinese Mainland

On May 27th, TapTechNews reported that according to IKEA's official press release, IKEA's Design Order Center (Shenzhen Luohu Store) officially opened yesterday. This is IKEA's first design order center in the Chinese mainland market, with an area of approximately 3,230 square feet.

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TapTechNews learned from the press release that compared to IKEA's classic mall, this design order center is a kind of offline store with a smaller scale and more convenient for customers to visit, claiming to be able to provide customers with one-on-one personalized design services and tailor IKEA solutions for customers.

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IKEA stated that this kind of IKEA Design Order Center has higher flexibility than the traditional full-size mall, and the relevant positioning, functions and roles will change dynamically according to the preferences and needs of local consumers. The first batch of IKEA's Design Order Centers in China, including Shenzhen Luohu Store, will be part of the experiment to help IKEA further improve the flexibility of services.
