Drawer New Hot List to Shut Down Service

TapTechNews May 25th news, according to feedback from multiple TapTechNews users, the information aggregation and sharing application 'Drawer New Hot List' recently announced that it will soon shut down its service.

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'Drawer' is an aggregated news information platform. According to the official introduction, what Drawer New Hot List deals with is the relationship between 'people and information', aiming to develop into a socialized information aggregation platform in the future, providing users with interesting and popular content efficiently and friendly, while also allowing the information and comments shared by users to spread quickly.

This platform mainly faces users to share various hot events, news, entertainment, technology and other information, and also allows users to post their own thoughts and opinions to communicate with other users.

The 'hot list' mechanism of this platform is divided into 24 hours, 3 days, and one week, and the sorting basis is the number of likes users give to the news rather than an algorithm. In the shutdown announcement, the official also revealed that many users said that they were 'willing to pay or even donate money'.

The official also said that if there is a feasible rescue plan, it will try to get in touch with the users.
