Scarlett Johansson's Allegation Against OpenAI's ChatGPT Voice

TapTechNews May 23rd news, Hollywood star Scarlett Johansson previously accused the chatbot ChatGPT of the artificial intelligence company OpenAI of copying her voice on the 'Sky' voice. Internal OpenAI documents disclosed by The Washington Post show that the company did not deliberately imitate Scarlett's voice.

Scarlett Johansson's Allegation Against OpenAI's ChatGPT Voice_0

Documents show that the actual voice for 'Sky' is another actor, and the actor was hired months earlier than when OpenAI invited Scarlett to do the voice for ChatGPT. Multiple people involved in the creation of the 'Sky' voice also confirmed that OpenAI did not require a voice close to Scarlett when looking for a voice actor.

Documents show that the description of the voice actor in the OpenAI recruitment notice includes: non-union member, aged between 25 and 45, with a voice that is 'warm, infectious and charming'. The agent of the actress who voices 'Sky' also confirmed to The Washington Post that OpenAI never mentioned Scarlett or the movie 'Her' throughout the process.

Legal experts believe that although OpenAI denies deliberate imitation, the 'Sky' voice is indeed very similar to Scarlett's voice. More importantly, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman had contacted Scarlett a few days before the voice was released, hoping she would be one of the voice actors for ChatGPT. Altman also publicly referred to the voice as 'Her', reminiscent of the movie 'Her' in which Scarlett voices an AI character.

As of TapTechNews' press time, Scarlett has not taken any legal action against OpenAI yet.
