Apple's iOS18 Introduces Satellite Messaging Feature

TapTechNews June 14th news, Apple has introduced a large number of new functions/features in iOS18, and one of the blockbuster updates is to send messages via satellite.

 Apples iOS18 Introduces Satellite Messaging Feature_0

Send and receive like regular messages

With this function, users can send and receive iMessages and text messages outside the cellular and Wi-Fi network coverage, including emojis and Tapbacks.

Working principle

CNET interviewed Apple's Senior Director of Platform Product Marketing, Kurt Knight, this week to get a preliminary understanding of the working principle of this function, and iJustine also provided a similar demonstration.

Apple said that when the iPhone detects that it is beyond the range of the terrestrial network, a prompt will pop up to allow users to quickly access all available satellite services, including emergency rescue, roadside assistance, FindMy, and the newly added iMessages.

When users carry their iPhones into areas not covered by the traditional network, iOS18 will pop up a card to help users point the iPhone to the available satellite.

After that, users can send and receive messages, emojis, and Tapbacks just like in an ordinary message conversation. When sending via satellite, the conversation messages sent via iMessage are also end-to-end encrypted.

Related restrictions

iMessages can be freely sent back and forth via satellite, but since there is a large amount of promotional messages and automated messages sent through this protocol, there are certain limitations for SMS.

Your emergency contacts and designated family members can contact you via text message at any time, but for all other contacts, users can send the first text message via satellite, but there will be a certain time limit for the other party's reply.

Incompatible with RCS messages

It is worth noting that although iOS18 will support Rich Communication Services (RCS) later this year, the messages sent via satellite cannot be used with RCS initially. Knight said that at least in Apple's view, the RCS protocol has not been optimized small enough to work via satellite connection.

Initially only in the US, on iPhone 14 and above devices

TapTechNews note: Just like Apple's other satellite services, the sending messages via satellite service will initially only be launched on iOS18 in the US and will then be expanded to other countries.

Apple's satellite services are available on iPhone 14 and above versions. Although Apple says it will eventually charge for satellite services, it is still provided for free for now.
