OnePlus Ace5/Pro Series New Details on Release Dates, Specs, and More

TapTechNews September 23rd news, the blogger @DigitalChatStation revealed today that the mysterious new machine of the SM8650/SM8750 series is currently scheduled to be released as soon as December and at the latest January. The series of phones will adopt a 1.5K BOEX2 pure straight screen and a 50Mp 1/1.56" large bottom main camera. Among them, the large cup engineering machine has a 50Mp upright small telephoto, and the whole series is equipped with a "6-beginning hundred-watt silicon battery".

TapTechNews learned from the comment area that this "mysterious new machine" is expected to be the OnePlus Ace5/Pro series models.

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TapTechNews previously reported that the OnePlus Ace5 series phones will be equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen3/8 Gen4 processors respectively, and will be upgraded in terms of appearance. The following information about this series of phones has been exposed:

OnePlus Ace5Pro

SoC: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen4 processor

Screen: BOEX2, 1.5K 8TLTPO four-narrow-edge pure straight screen

Battery: 6-beginning super-large silicon battery

Image: 50Mp triple camera without periscope

Design: Right-angle metal middle frame; there is a chamfer treatment at the connection transition; the ID changes relatively large; the square and tough shape

OnePlus Ace5 standard version

SoC: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen3 processor

Screen: BOEX2, 1.5K 8TLTPO four-narrow-edge pure straight screen (previously reported: 6.78 inches 1.5K 8TLTPO equal-depth micro-curved straight screen)

Battery: 6-beginning super-large silicon battery (previously: dual-cell battery with a rated capacity of 6000mAh, the typical value of the battery is about 6200mAh ±, and supports 100W fast charging)

Image: 50MP regular large-bottom triple camera

Design: Three-stage button

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