Growth Forecast of AI Phones and Consumer Interest Trends

TapTechNews June 18th news, according to Canalys' research and forecast on the smartphone market with generative AI capabilities, in 2024, the AI phone shipments are expected to account for 16% of the global smartphone shipments, and by 2028, this ratio will skyrocket to 54%. From 2023 to 2028, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of the AI phone market will reach 63%.

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From some key data, 63% of respondents worldwide are interested in the AI applications and AI capabilities on mobile phones, and only 7% of respondents show a very high interest tendency in AI phones. Consumers in India and the Chinese mainland have a much higher interest tendency in AI phones than those in Germany and the United States.

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TapTechNews noticed that a group of domestic manufacturers such as Huawei, Honor, OPPO, Xiaomi and Vivo have long integrated generative AI functions into their devices. There are quite a rich variety of on-device AI smartphone devices available for consumers in the Chinese mainland to choose from, which greatly attracts consumers' interest. On the contrary, in other regional smartphone markets, the number of on-device AI smartphone devices available for consumers to choose from is relatively small, so consumers' willingness to experience is not strong.

In addition, consumers' interest in AI is restricted by privacy and data security issues. Therefore, when manufacturers develop on-device AI smartphone devices, they also need to focus on a series of related issues such as data security and user privacy to ensure that users can use their technologies or products safely and transparently, which is an important way to increase consumers' interest.

