Huawei to Launch New Products to Solve Shortcomings in Vehicle-Road-Cloud

TapTechNews June 19th news, today at the international side session of CICV2024 Tech Week, Ma Jindou, the president of Huawei's wireless network product line in the field of vehicle networking, said that Huawei will launch new products in the second half of this year to solve the shortcomings of the roadside and perception in the vehicle-road-cloud.

We found that a large number of shortcomings are at the roadside and in perception. We have made the communication delay very low already, but now we realize that in the perception part, including radars, cameras, etc., the delay of our edge computing and platform computing is still very high. Now we hope to contribute in this area to make the roadside information seen more clearly, calculated more quickly, and served more comprehensively. We will launch new products in this area in the second half of this year to help the integration of vehicle-road-cloud and help our partners do this well.

Referring to TapTechNews' previous report, Wang Tao, the chief operating officer of Huawei Kunpeng・Ascend Ecosystem Innovation Center, also said that the Ascend cluster is the only technical route in China that has completed training a large model with hundreds of billions of parameters, and the performance has exceeded that of NVIDIA A100.

Wang Tao also disclosed that in the Chinese large models, nearly 50% have chosen the Ascend technical route. The Ascend AI chip can reach up to 1.1 times that of NVIDIA in training efficiency. In training models such as MetaLlama and BloomGPT, the computing power training efficiency of Ascend AI is much better than that of NVIDIA A100 and 10 times ahead of other domestic competitors.
