61 Suspects Arrested for Allegedly Defrauding E-commerce Platform Subsidy Funds

TapTechNews August 4th news, according to Fengtai Police Affairs disclosure, in the early stage of the 2024 618 e-commerce festival, a staff member of the security department of a well-known e-commerce platform went to the Fengtai Criminal Investigation Detachment to report the case. Through the monitoring of the platform's back-end data, it was found that a certain online store suspected of defrauding the e-commerce platform subsidy funds by means of false transactions, and the calculated loss amount was as high as more than 5 million yuan ($714,285.71).

After receiving the report, the Fengtai police immediately launched an investigation. By tracing the suspicious sales orders, and through careful research and judgment of the Fengtai Investigation Center, the police gradually figured out the criminal chain. A criminal gang in which a merchant and a false transaction intermediary colluded internally and externally to defraud the e-commerce platform subsidy funds by creating false orders came into the sight of the police.

After nearly a month of investigation by the Fengtai police, the organizational structure, personnel identity, office location and warehouse location of the fraud gang were determined one by one. Because the members of the gang mainly contacted through the network and the activity locations were relatively scattered, the Fengtai police drew up elite police forces from the branch to form 60 arrest teams and set out from Beijing in mid-June, heading to 17 provinces and 35 cities across the country, and waited on the spot after finding the arrest target.

At about 6 a.m. on June 25th, the centralized arrest operation was launched. With the strong cooperation of the police in various places, 61 suspects including the main criminals such as Xiong and Chen were successfully arrested, and a large number of involved computers, mobile phones and documents were seized by the police, and the company warehouse located in a certain place in Hebei was simultaneously sealed up on the day of the arrest operation.

At present, the suspects have been successfully escorted back to Beijing. Xiong, Chen and other 61 suspects have been criminally detained by the Fengtai police due to being suspected of fraud, and further work is underway.

TapTechNews noted that the specific name of the e-commerce platform was not disclosed in the Fengtai Police Affairs public account, but according to the Legal Daily disclosure, the platform is JD.com.
