Windows 11 Photos App Update Longer Opening Time with Windows App SDK

TapTechNews June 5th news, in the latest blog post, the tech media WindowsLatest pointed out that after the Windows 11 Photos application was upgraded to the latest 2024.11050.3002.0, the'side effect' of embracing the Windows App SDK is that the opening time is longer than ever.

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Microsoft has abandoned UWP (Universal Windows Platform) and turned to embrace the modern development framework Windows App SDK that fully supports WinUI 3. It runs by default at a medium integrity level (medium integrity level) in the Windows 11 Photos application and can save the edited photos directly without needing to select a folder.

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Another advantage of the new Windows Photos application is that Microsoft has merged multiple processes into one process, so there is no longer such a background service as 'PhotosService.exe' in the Task Manager. TapTechNews attached a screenshot as follows. After opening the Task Manager, there is only one independent Win11 Photos application process.

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However, there is also a'side effect' after switching to the Windows App SDK. The application opening time will show a 'eady' screen, which lasts for about 20 seconds before entering the home page containing all the photos.

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When opening Windows Phone Link and other Windows App SDK applications, the same ready interface will also appear.

It is worth noting that the Microsoft Store currently provides the classic version of the 'Photos' application. If you can't tolerate the 20-second opening time or don't have high requirements for the new version, you can return to using the classic version.
