20 Million Yuan ($2.86 Million) of Consumption Vouchers in Chengdu Available Now

TapTechNews May 18th news, the 2024 Green Home Appliances · Smart Enjoyment in Chengdu promotional consumption activity officially went online at 1 p.m. today, providing a total of 20 million yuan ($2.86 million) in consumption vouchers.

From May 18th, 2024 to June 10th is the overall activity period. From May 18th to May 22nd the coupon receiving channel is opened at 1 p.m. every day and 9400 consumption vouchers are issued every day, and the returned consumption vouchers are issued from May 23rd to June 10th.

In simple terms, as long as your mobile phone is located in Chengdu and allows the Cloud QuickPass App to obtain the mobile phone location permission, you can participate.

TapTechNews note: There are 3 denominations of consumption vouchers in this activity, namely minus 200 yuan ($28.6) when spending 2000 yuan ($286), minus 500 yuan ($71.4) when spending 5000 yuan ($714), and minus 1000 yuan ($143) when spending 10000 yuan ($1429). Each user can only receive 1 consumption voucher (choose 1 out of 3) per day, and the same user can receive and redeem a maximum of 2 consumption vouchers during the activity period.

This consumption voucher can be used to purchase 8 types of home appliances: TV sets, projectors, refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, water heaters, range hoods, and gas stoves.

20 Million Yuan (.86 Million) of Consumption Vouchers in Chengdu Available Now_1
