Windows XP System Image for i486 Processor Included in Internet Archive

TapTechNews May 18th news, the Internet Archive included a customized Windows XP system image on May 15th, which can run on the classic i486 processor.

TapTechNews note: The i486 is also called 486 or 80486. It is the first x86 processor with more than 1 million transistors built in. To be exact, it should be 1.2 million transistors. However, this CPU was released in 1989, while Microsoft released Windows XP in October 2001, a 12-year gap.

This customized Windows XP Professional SP3 ISO is from the hand of netizen Dietmar. Through modification, it can run on the i486 processor, but the language is German and there is currently no English version.

 Windows XP System Image for i486 Processor Included in Internet Archive_0

 Windows XP System Image for i486 Processor Included in Internet Archive_1

The CPU clock speed in the Windows system properties is also not correct, but programs such as CPU-Z will report the correct clock speed.

It is also worth noting that after the installation is complete, ntoskrnl.exe and ntkrnlmp.exe in the ISO must be copied to C:\\Windows\\System32, otherwise the operating system will not be able to start.
