TapTechNews celebrates 13th anniversary with new product release

TapTechNews,13 years old today!

On the vast sea, the strong wind is collecting dark clouds. In the middle of the dark clouds and the sea, a bright red figure is flying resolutely like lightning...

I still often recall those recitations from my student days. At that time, I always unconsciously associated various scenes to help my brain remember them more easily. Now, thinking about The Seagull, I can't help but replace the characters in the scene with a red figure, a TapTechNews robot that has been in my mind for many years but has never been drawn by a designer.

13 years ago today, on International Family Day, SoftMedia officially launched TapTechNews (the past and present of SoftMedia and TapTechNews are detailed in the article TapTechNews, Ten Years). Moving forward day by day, looking back it's been nearly 5000 days.

In the millions of years of human history and the five thousand years of civilization, the number 5000 is insignificant, but in our limited lives, it is significant. Life is not as we wish, eight or nine out of ten times, the ancients did not deceive me, nor deceive others. The wind and rain don't stop, snow and frost mix, but because we are doing what we love, we travel tirelessly. Just like the red figure mentioned earlier, firm and passionate, so resolute. Day after day for 5000 days, repeating, thinking of the original intention, reciting the mission, holding onto the belief.

At 13 years old, a girl is in her prime, a boy should be learning to dance with a spoon, entering adolescence. Due to my personality, calm in front of others but active behind the scenes, TapTechNews is also such a young person. The products are polished silently, while content execution is swift as a rabbit. If one must prioritize between being active and being calm, I would like to answer with my favorite four words of my life, still waters run deep.

Laozi said: Things flourish, each returns to its root. Return to the root, that is called still. Still means returning to the ordinary. Knowing the ordinary is called enlightenment.

Over the past few thousand days, TapTechNews has been quietly flowing deep.

The young of the family are growing day by day, and those who gather here and ourselves always have a perfect obsession with it, but the truth is that we are constantly struggling with various hardships. All kinds of feedback on the commenting atmosphere, reviews, etc., we respond to them one by one. It's easy to handle things, but it's difficult to satisfy people. When it's hard to satisfy everyone, we need to deal with everything openly and transparently, except for privacy. Just speaking of the comments section, the real world circumstances require us to impose some constraints, but apart from illegal and immoral activities, we strive to defend everyone's words and views. Right and wrong are different standards for everyone, after all, the wonderful thing about the world is that there are various colors and voices.

In the commemorative article last year when it was 12 years old, I announced a product I wanted to make. On January 12th of this year, the Want to Know App has been released! To know to know, this is a product I customized for myself, extremely simple. And because it's just for my own use, we didn't emphasize its promotion within the family or elsewhere, but today I want to say that the daily active users of this product are reaching new highs continuously. Maybe in the future, we will fulfill everyone's wishes and update it further. If you have any ideas, you can submit them at the feedback entrance at the bottom of the Want to Know App.

Alright, it's time to thank you all again, thank all the new and old friends who have been with us for over a decade, thank you!

TapTechNews, happy 13th birthday! TapTechNews family, happy Family Day!

Assassin, SoftMedia CEO - Essayist, Belt Family/Trouser Family/Advertising Family/Paver Family/Kick Family/Soft Fan Family/Rice Fan Family/Fruit Fan Family/Huawei Family/ Car Family/Ji Family... Leader of many families, TapTechNews First Generation, Qingdao Reservoir Manager.

May 15, 2024, at 15:15, International Family Day, Family Day.

The scenery of the world, a touch of bright red.
