China Eastern Airlines' Project in Lingang Starts, To Build Asia's Largest Hangar

According to the news from TapTechNews on June 3, according to the official news from Shanghai Lingang, this afternoon (June 3), the groundbreaking ceremony for the China Eastern Airlines International Aviation Maintenance Service Platform project was held in the Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone. The total investment of the project is expected to exceed 1.5 billion US dollars, marking the entry of a new stage of all-round deepening strategic cooperation between the Lingang New Area and China Eastern Airlines.

It is understood that the total construction area of this project is more than 1.1 million square feet and will build three hangars and supporting factories and facilities for accessory repair and modification projects.

China Eastern Airlines Project in Lingang Starts, To Build Asia's Largest Hangar_0

As the core of the project construction, Hangar No. 1 is equipped with the largest hangar hall in Asia at present. The hall has a span of 316 feet and a depth of 146 feet. It is a wide-body aircraft maintenance hangar with large-span and large-depth rarely seen in Asia and even the world, which can accommodate 9 wide-body aircrafts for maintenance at the same time.

The China Eastern Airlines International Aviation Maintenance Service Platform project is planned to be completed and delivered in the first half of 2026, and will plan to provide aircraft maintenance services of 1.8 million man-hours per year.

TapTechNews noticed that as a pioneer of domestic large aircraft, China Eastern Airlines has received six C919 domestic large aircrafts and is expected to reach 10 by the end of 2024. China Eastern Airlines signed the C919 Aircraft Purchase Agreement with COMAC on September 28, 2023, to buy 100 C919 aircraft from COMAC, and plans to deliver them in batches from 2024 to 2031.
