Hacker 'Fenice' Claims to Leak 1.4 Billion Tencent User Account Info after 2.7B US Social Security Data

TapTechNews August 14th news, after the hacker named Fenice leaked the social security information of 2.7 billion US users (previously known as 2.9 billion) on the dark web forum on August 6th, he again posted to expose that he holds the account information of 1.4 billion Tencent users.

The hacker claims to have stolen a massive database, including 1.4 billion records related to Tencent.com, with a compressed data capacity of 44 GB and it will reach 500 GB after decompression. TapTechNews attached the relevant pictures as follows:

Hacker 'Fenice' Claims to Leak 1.4 Billion Tencent User Account Info after 2.7B US Social Security Data_0

According to the report, the database is in JSON format and includes sensitive fields such as email addresses, mobile phone numbers and QQIDs.

Hacker 'Fenice' Claims to Leak 1.4 Billion Tencent User Account Info after 2.7B US Social Security Data_1

The data leaked this time may not have occurred recently. The timestamp and storage path indicate that these data were processed before May 9th, 2023.
