Google Pixel 9Pro's Gemini AI and AddMe Features Unveiled

TapTechNews August 7th news, the source @MysteryLupin today posted a tweet on the X platform, sharing the promotional video of Google's Pixel 9Pro phone, highlighting the Gemini AI feature and the AddMe experience.

No need to worry about what to eat at night

In the exposed video, a user holds the Pixel 9Pro phone, shoots the existing ingredients in the fridge, and then asks Gemini what dishes can be made based on the existing ingredients.

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Gemini then replies and shows that burgers can be made with lentils and beets, and introduces how to prepare the burger ingredients.

The person taking the picture can also be in the frame

The AddMe feature is also introduced in the video, which is to superimpose the shooting object onto another picture.

In the advertisement, the user first takes a photo, then takes another one with a different person, and the AddMe feature can add the other two people in the first photo to the second photo, so that the person taking the picture will not be left out when taking a group photo. TapTechNews attached the demonstration screenshot as follows:

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