WeChat Announces Penalties for Cyber Violence in 'Fat Cat' Incident

TapTechNews May 24th news, regarding the incident of the 'fat cat' jumping into the Yangtze River to commit suicide on the Chongqing Yangtze River Bridge that happened some time ago, the WeChat official has just released the 'Governance Announcement on Combating Cyber Violence Behaviors', announcing corresponding penalties for some accounts that have posted improper remarks, and will also increase the penalties for those who violate the rules repeatedly.

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TapTechNews attaches the original text as follows:

Recently, the incident of the 'fat cat' jumping into the Yangtze River to commit suicide on the Chongqing Yangtze River Bridge has attracted social attention. While the majority of netizens have expressed their regrets, some netizens' behaviors such as insulting and abusing, fabricating and slandering, infringing on others' privacy, and instigating others to commit crimes on various online platforms, which damage the legitimate rights and interests of others and damage the online speech environment, have once again come into the public eye.

WeChat attaches great importance to the protection of users' rights and interests and has established a user complaint channel long ago. For accounts that post improper remarks, after receiving user complaints and verifying the relevant evidence, we will impose corresponding penalties according to the relevant national laws and regulations and the 'Tencent WeChat Software License and Service Agreement' and the 'WeChat Personal Account Usage Specifications', and for those who violate the rules repeatedly, the penalties will be increased.

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WeChat also emphasized that it will continue to strengthen the governance of the illegal and improper behaviors mentioned above, and also calls on the majority of netizens to express their views objectively and rationally in the online space, respect the privacy of others, and not maliciously attack others, and jointly resist cyber violence behaviors.
