Qualcomm to Facilitate Android Updates for Older Chip Devices

TapTechNews June 29 news, the tech media AndroidAuthority published a blog post on June 27, reporting that Qualcomm is collaborating with multiple OEM phone manufacturers to make it more convenient and quicker for devices equipped with older versions of Qualcomm chips to upgrade to the latest version.

Qualcomm to Facilitate Android Updates for Older Chip Devices_0

Phone manufacturers currently face many challenges when it comes to pushing Android system updates, but one of the key factors is the chipset suppliers (such as Qualcomm, MediaTek, and Samsung, etc.).

After the chips age, these chipset suppliers often abandon support, making it more difficult for OEM manufacturers to update the device systems. Chris Patrick, senior vice president of Qualcomm, said in an interview that the company attaches great importance to this problem and will soon announce a series of solutions.

TapTechNews translated part of Patrick's interview content as follows:

For OEM manufacturers, pushing security updates and Android version updates to every end user is a very complicated issue and also very costly.

We have been collaborating with Google and OEM manufacturers in the past few years, and one of the works is to change the structure of the embedded code - to change the mechanism by which we conduct these updates.

In theory, these changes can at least eliminate some of the obstacles faced by OEM manufacturers when updating devices, and can push Android updates to users more quickly, but whether to extend the support cycle of the phone still depends on the OEM manufacturer, but it should be able to drive more OEM manufacturers to provide a longer support cycle.
