Tesla's Berlin Factory Expansion Faces Resistance from Treehouse Protesters

TapTechNews May 21, it is reported that Tesla's Berlin Gigafactory plans to expand, but is opposed by local protesters who have set up camps in treehouses. These protesters have built treehouses in the forest area planned for expansion, hoping to prevent Tesla from cutting down more trees.

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TapTechNews noted that on May 16 this year, the Brandenburg state police filed a second complaint against the treehouse protesters, hoping the court would limit their protest activities. However, after the previous court ruling supported the protesters, the Berlin-Brandenburg Higher Administrative Court again rejected the police's request to limit the protesters in this month's ruling.

Initially, the treehouse protest activity was planned to end on May 20. But now, as the court approves the extension of the protest permit, the protesters will continue to hold on to the treehouses.

Last week, local government representatives in Grünheide approved the revised expansion plan of Tesla's Berlin Gigafactory. Tesla's original plan was to cut down 100 trees, and the revised plan halves the number of trees to be cut down to 50. Despite the approval of the expansion plan, local residents and environmental activists still plan to continue to protest.
