Xiaomi's New Car SU7Pro to Debut with Live Stream of Lei Jun

TapTechNews May 16th news, TapTechNews learned from Xiaomi car official Weibo that on May 18th (this Saturday) at 08:30 in the morning, Xiaomi SU7Pro will make its first public appearance, and Lei Jun will live stream, Driving and chatting with you while driving!

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It is reported that senior car blogger Afei will sit in the front passenger seat next to Lei Jun, Xiaomi Group President Lu Weibing, and Xiaomi Group CMO Xu Fei will also co-host the live stream, experiencing and chatting about the Xiaomi SU7Pro together.

On May 15th, Xiaomi car announced through its official WeChat account that as of 10:00 on May 15th, Xiaomi car has delivered 10,000 units of Xiaomi SU7. From the first delivery on April 3rd, in 43 days, we have delivered 10,000 cars, said Lei Jun, chairman of Xiaomi Group on his personal Weibo, calling it a major milestone for Xiaomi. Users who have not yet received their cars, please be patient, we are fully expanding production to ensure the delivery of at least 100,000 new cars this year. Lei Jun said.

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Currently, in addition to the initial batch of 5000 Founder's Edition models delivered, Xiaomi car has started delivering the standard version and Max version of Xiaomi SU7. According to Lei Jun, starting from the end of May, Xiaomi car will begin delivering the Xiaomi SU7Pro version, and it is expected to have a monthly delivery capacity of over 10,000 units in June.

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According to Lei Jun's set goal, Xiaomi car's sales target for the first year of mass production delivery is 100,000 units, and it aims to enter the top echelon of the industry; through efforts from 15 to 20 years, Xiaomi car aims to become one of the top five automakers globally.
