GAC Aion's Development Plan and Responses

On the afternoon of June 13, GAC Aion held a brand communication meeting today to share the development plan of GAC Aion for the second half of the year.

Gu Huinan, the general manager of GAC Aion, responded to the recent rumors of layoffs. He said that the rumors of layoffs from the outside world distort the facts. In the second half of the year, GAC Aion will expand stores on a large scale and plans to build 100 new direct-sale stores and open several factories. It is expected to recruit more than 2,000 people.

Regarding the rumor that GAC Aion canceled the contract with the recruited fresh graduates, he said that more than 100 fresh graduates are currently in training and onboarding, and a few individuals are adjusted due to inappropriate positions and will be compensated according to the agreement.

He also emphasized that GAC Aion will improve efficiency and reduce costs through a variety of measures, such as improving equipment and enhancing the digital level. Only with efficiency can there be development.
