DRAM Memory Industry Update Revenue Growth and Market Trends

TapTechNews June 13th, industry research institute TrendForce recently showed in its research report that the revenue scale of DRAM memory industry in the first quarter of 2024 reached 18.347 billion US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 133.173 billion yuan). It increased by 5.1% quarter-on-quarter.

Looking up TrendForce's previous research reports, the scale of DRAM memory industry in the first quarter of 2023 was about 9.663 billion US dollars, which means the revenue of DRAM industry achieved a nearly 90% year-on-year growth in the last quarter.

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In the first quarter, it is the off-season of DRAM industry. Coupled with the still relatively high inventory in the hands of downstream enterprises, the sales of Samsung Electronics, SK Hynix, and Micron all decreased among the three major memory original factories.

However, in the first quarter of 2024, the DRAM memory contract price continued to rise, and the increase was further expanded compared to the fourth quarter of 2023, driving the expansion of the overall revenue in the industry.

From the category perspective, the strong sales of Chinese mobile phones led to the highest price increase for mobile DRAM in the last quarter; while the three major original factories still held a considerable amount of consumer DRAM memory inventory, resulting in the lowest price increase in this category.

Among the three major original factories, both Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix showed a slight increase in DRAM revenue in the first quarter;

While Micron benefitted from a large unit price increase and received orders from major US server memory customers, the DRAM revenue scale in the first quarter increased by 17.8% quarter-on-quarter, and the market share also exceeded the 20% mark, reaching 21.5%.

Looking forward to the second quarter, the research report estimates that the shipments of DRAM memory original factories will continue to increase under the impact of the quarterly effect; and due to the earthquake in Taiwan region in early April, the DRAM contract price in the second quarter will increase by 13-18%, higher than previously expected.
