Surprising Survey Result Many Electric Vehicle Owners May Switch Back to Fossil Fuel Vehicles

TapTechNews June 23rd news, a latest survey result from the well-known management consulting firm McKinsey is surprising. This survey was conducted among 30,000 individuals worldwide who frequently use transportation, among which 29% of electric vehicle owners indicated that they might switch back to fossil fuel vehicles. The proportion is even higher in Australia and the United States, reaching 49% and 46% respectively.

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McKinsey provided the reasons behind the survey result. According to their research, the main reasons why electric vehicle owners want to switch back to fossil fuel vehicles are several: imperfect charging infrastructure, overly high total cost of ownership of electric vehicles, and limitations in long-distance travel, etc.

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It is worth noting that these problems have always been the challenges that electric vehicle leading enterprises are striving to solve. For example, Tesla started to build a large and reliable fast-charging network in the United States as early as the initial launch of the Model S. No wonder the result of this survey has been questioned by electric vehicle advocates.

On social media platforms, passionate electric vehicle fans pointed out that the result of this survey does not match their daily experience of using electric vehicles, and many users online have reported that they usually do not go back to using fossil fuel vehicles after experiencing electric vehicles.

TapTechNews noticed that not only the electric vehicle community is surprised by the survey result. Philipp Kampshoff, head of McKinsey's Future Mobility Center, said in an interview with AutomotiveNews that he did not expect so many respondents to indicate that they might switch back to fossil fuel vehicles. I didn't expect this, he said. I thought 'once an electric vehicle user, always an electric vehicle user'.

Other results of McKinsey's survey also show that globally, 38% of non-electric vehicle users are considering a pure electric vehicle or a plug-in hybrid vehicle as their next car. At the same time, 59% of electric vehicle owners hope to use more digitally connected services in the future.
