Samsung Electronics Announces Leadership Changes

TapTechNews May 21st news, Samsung Electronics today announced that JunYoungHyun will take over the position of head of the DS (Device Solutions) division from KyungKyehyun.

KyungKyehyun will then take over the position of head of the Future Business Planning Division of Samsung Electronics left by JunYoungHyun's transfer and continue to serve as the president of the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), focusing on finding new growth opportunities for Samsung Electronics.

JunYoungHyun joined the memory department of Samsung Electronics in 2000 and has been engaged in the development and strategic marketing of DRAM memory and NAND flash memory.

He became the head of Samsung Electronics' memory business in 2014 and the CEO of Samsung SDI in 2017. JunYoungHyun took up the position of head of the Future Business Planning Division in early 2024 and changed positions again just half a year later.

Samsung Electronics said: As a key figure in developing Samsung Electronics' memory semiconductor and battery businesses to the highest level in the world, we expect him (JunYoungHyun) to overcome the semiconductor crisis with his rich management knowledge.

According to the first-quarter financial report released at the end of April, the chip business of Samsung Electronics finally turned a profit after consecutive five quarters of losses:

The business of Samsung Electronics achieved sales of 23.1 trillion Korean won (TapTechNews note: currently about 123.123 billion Chinese yuan) and operating profit of 1.91 trillion Korean won (currently about 10.18 billion Chinese yuan) last quarter.
