Analysis of the Impact of Chrome Extensions on Page Loading Speed

TapTechNews May 21st news, the web optimization service DebugBear released a report on May 16th, analyzing and testing the impact of 5000 Chrome extensions on page loading speed, understanding which popular extensions would increase CPU processing volume, how some extensions would delay page loading time, and what differences the ad blockers would bring.

DebugBear pointed out that extensions that process data before page rendering would have a more severe impact on the user experience. In addition to virtual private network extensions, extensions such as TrancyAISubtitles and KlarnaPayLater would also lead to overly long loading times.

Extensions that 'run code' after the page is loaded would also affect the Chrome browser, but the degree of impact seems to be smaller. DebugBear observed 336 Chrome browser extensions with more than 1 million users, and we found that several extensions would add more than half a second of additional processing time every time a page is browsed.

The artificial intelligence tool Monica with 2 million users would add 1.3 seconds of processing time even on a simple test website. The Read&Write extension with 17 million users added 0.8 seconds of processing time.

Even if the extension doesn't cause the loading time to slow down, it may still cause the page interaction speed to slow down, which means it may not feel agile when clicking on the website. The report pointed out that after the user installs the Avira password manager, there would be a 160-millisecond delay when randomly content (title).

Admittedly, 160 milliseconds is less than half a second, but if the user installs 7-8 extensions, and each one adds a 160-millisecond delay, it will seriously affect the Internet experience.

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