Apple Adds iPhone 5S to Obsolete List and iPod touch6 to Vintage List

TapTechNews June 1st news, Apple today added the iPhone 5S to its list of Obsolete products, and also added the iPod touch6 to its list of Vintage products.

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Apple launched the iPhone 5S in September 2013, this phone is equipped with an A7 chip and can support up to the iOS12 version; while Apple's iPod touch6 was released in September 2015, and this tablet is equipped with an A8 chip and can also support up to the iOS12 version.

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TapTechNews note: According to Apple's regulations, products are marked as Vintage products five years after they are discontinued, and are considered Obsolete products seven years after they are discontinued. Obsolete products may not be able to obtain repair services through Apple or an Apple-authorized service provider, but if spare parts are still available, Apple will still provide repair services.
