China Meteorological Administration Releases AI Meteorological Forecast Model Plan

TapTechNews May 24th news, according to the China Meteorological News, during the 7th Digital China Construction Summit - Digital Meteorology Sub-forum recently, the China Meteorological Administration released a demonstration plan for an artificial intelligence meteorological forecast large model.

This plan aims to promote the standardization and orderly development of the large model, guide the solution of practical problems in the forecast business, facilitate the application and access of the artificial intelligence meteorological forecast large model business, and create an innovative ecosystem for the research and development and application of artificial intelligence technologies.

The demonstration plan is targeted at the artificial intelligence meteorological forecast large model, and will use the real-time actual situation analysis data provided by the China Meteorological Administration as the input field to produce meteorological forecasts for the next 0 to 15 days. It is known that the demonstration contents include five types of forecast products such as upper-air meteorological elements, surface meteorological elements, quantitative precipitation forecast, typhoon path and intensity forecast, and disastrous weather process forecast. The above demonstration products will be generated in real time by the large model in a unified operating environment.

TapTechNews learned from the China Meteorological News that the China Meteorological Administration also released the Special Data Catalog for Training of Artificial Intelligence Meteorological Large Model for the first time, which contains a total of 3 categories and 6 types of meteorological data and products.

The Catalog aims to accelerate the application of artificial intelligence in the meteorological business field, guide and regulate various institutions and individuals to use domestic autonomous meteorological data products, and gather industry forces, focusing on carrying out new technologies and new algorithms and other innovative research and development around the construction of the artificial intelligence meteorological forecast large model, and give full play to the main force and navigator role of the China Meteorological Administration in the field of artificial intelligence meteorological application.

The Catalog provides three categories of data such as numerical forecast model products, fusion analysis data products, and the global exchange data set after collation, and specifically opens 6 types of data and products.

The 1.5-version of the global atmospheric reanalysis product of the China Meteorological Administration

The 4.0-version of the global weather model product of the China Meteorological Administration's Global Assimilation and Forecast System (CMA-GFS)

The China Meteorological Administration's global ocean meteorological actual situation analysis product

The global tropical cyclone data set

The global surface collation data set

The global upper-air collation data set, etc.

After the business versions of the above data and products are updated, they will also be released to the public in due course.
