Li Jiaqi Talks About Challenges and Innovations during 618 Promotion

TapTechNews May 16th news, at the 2024 American ONE618 media conference, American ONE partner Li Jiaqi gave a speech.

Li Jiaqi said, We have ushered in this year's 618 promotion. Is it difficult or not? I think it's difficult, but I like to find breakthroughs in difficulties, push myself in difficulties, and see what we can bring to users.

Li Jiaqi said, This year marks the ninth year of live streaming. We see that the users who watch our live streams started as college students, then became moms, and now may have families with two children. Our users are changing, so the demand for our products is constantly evolving. How to match their true needs based on users is important.

Li Jiaqi said, There are really too many users, but there is only one Li Jiaqi, so I try to spend an hour in the live stream doing real-time interaction with consumers and one-on-one Q&A as much as possible.

TapTechNews noted that Li Jiaqi also mentioned AI-related applications. If one day, through AI technology or a higher technology, Li Jiaqi can become millions of Li Jiaqi at the same time, and can simultaneously serve each user and each girl, providing them with more suitable consumer products, then when this day comes, a new form and new way of live streaming e-commerce should emerge.

During this year's 618, Li Jiaqi's live stream room will make adjustments in terms of category innovation and scene innovation. In the past, the first day of the big promotion was usually a beauty festival, but this year it is a beauty festival plus more vertical categories. Jiaqi's exact words were, whoever offers the most, their products will be featured on the first day.
