OpenAI President Showcases GPT-4o Capabilities, Reminiscent of DALL-E

OpenAI President and co-founder Greg once again showcased the capabilities of GPT-4o, prompting netizens to reminisce about DALL-E.

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Directly observing the results, remarkable textual consistency is achieved! Fine hand details, lighting effects, and even the logo on the back are all accurately depicted.

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Some netizens remarked that they momentarily thought it was actually the individual delivering the lecture.

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Others marveled at the leap in image generation technology: Holy Cow!

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From completely fragmented text to writing with consistent style and correct spelling, it only took one iteration.

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GPT-4o Evokes Memories of DALL-E

Since the release of GPT-4o, it has been extensively explored, especially in the realm of image generation.

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For instance, some users discovered that GPT-4o excels in combining any images.

Present it with two completely unrelated images.

The transformation results in a "Sad Frog Edition of cereal", which could easily be used by a design company.

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However, tasks like generating statistical charts faced challenges...such as coloring the top 10% of a normal distribution in red, which was not successfully completed.

There were even more challenging outcomes...

This led some to believe that this should be DALL-E, as GPT-4o still cannot generate images.

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Now, Greg has personally demonstrated the image generation capabilities of GPT-4o, which can be seen as a response.

Although, some users in the comments queried: Is this really the same version? Can more complete details be provided?

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Regardless, this open presentation by OpenAI has allowed more individuals to explore the abilities of GPT-4o.

For instance, in contextual understanding, some users found it surpasses GPT-4-Turbo by far.

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Moreover, in conversational contexts, GPT-4o is more willing to discuss its feelings and awareness compared to ChatGPT.

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Omni Team Insights

The head of the Omni team, Prafulla Dhariwal, expressed gratitude for his team members on social media, revealing that this work began a year ago.

Prafulla Dhariwal, an MIT graduate, has been with OpenAI for 7 years.

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He mentioned that GPT-4o is their team's first model release and is OpenAI's first native multimodal large model.

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This was followed by recognition of team members.

James Betker: Responsible for image and audio generation, data preparation, integration, and subsequent training.

Jamie Kiros: Handles GPT-4o's visual perception.

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Rowan Zellers: Enables the model/product to naturally watch videos like humans.

Alexis Conneau: The first to propose the Her vision at OpenAI. Noted in his profile as the audio AGI director.

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Gabriel Goh, Ishaan Gulrajani: Responsible for Scaling Law related work.

Alex Nichol, Heewoo Jun, Li JING: Ensure the image and 3D generation capabilities of GPT-4o.

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Following this, Altman also tweeted an endorsement, stating that this work has sparked a revolution that can change the way we use computers.

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If you have used GPT-4o, feel free to share your experiences in the comments.

Reference link: This article is from the WeChat public account: Quantum Bit (ID: QbitAI), author: Bai Jiao
