PayPal Fined 106.6 Million Polish Zlotys by Polish Regulator for Ambiguous User Agreement

TapTechNews July 15th news, the Polish antitrust and consumer protection regulatory agency UOKiK said on Monday that it has imposed a fine of 106.6 million Polish zlotys (TapTechNews note: currently about 198.9 million Chinese yuan) on the European division of the online payment giant PayPal, because the wording in its user agreement is ambiguous and fails to clearly inform consumers about which behaviors they may be fined for.

PayPal Fined 106.6 Million Polish Zlotys by Polish Regulator for Ambiguous User Agreement_0

UOKiK stated that the description of violations in PayPal's user agreement is ambiguous, and users may not exactly understand which behaviors are prohibited and what kind of penalty measures the company will take.

The terms of PayPal are general, vague, and difficult to understand, Tomasz Chrostny, director of UOKiK, said in a statement. When consumers read these terms, they cannot anticipate which of their behaviors may be regarded as violations or what kind of penalty the enterprise will impose on them. Therefore, PayPal has unlimited power to decide for itself whether a user has violated the rules and what kind of punishment will be imposed on them, such as freezing account funds, etc.

As of TapTechNews' dispatch, PayPal has not commented on this matter yet. UOKiK said that this penalty is not the final decision, and PayPal has the right to file an appeal to the court.
