Clay AI Craze Meet Remini, the Ugliest AI Image Transformer

Thanks to the clue provided by TapTechNews user 空山鸟语灬! Recently, netizens have been swept by a rumored ugliest AI image generator - Remini. Whether it's Silicon Valley tycoons, characters from the TV drama 'Zhen Huan Zhuan', or even an old man on the subway looking at his phone, no one can escape this clay transformation. This tool has taken over major social platforms like Douyin, Xiaohongshu, Weibo, and WeChat Moments, with users loving it despite its ugliness. However, this app is currently only available on Apple phones, with a free trial week followed by a weekly fee of 68 RMB (approximately $9.90 USD). Despite the high cost, netizens have shown a craze for trying out the app. As of the afternoon of May 7th, Remini still ranks first on the free app download chart in the iOS store. The clay universe trend has quickly spread on major social media platforms in China. To cater to Chinese users, Remini has also launched a 'jade' style, or porcelain doll style, which fits well with Eastern classical beauties. The phenomenon of clay art has even reached international social media platforms, closing the loop from Instagram to Xiaohongshu, and Douyin. The company behind Remini, Bejing Daguang Technology, has been in operation since 2019, initially focusing on AI image processing with a product aimed at repairing old photos. Following its success abroad, Remini was acquired by an Italian company called BendingSpoons. This internet company, whose founders are young Italians, has also acquired other popular software like Filmic, Splice, and Evernote. In July last year, Remini's AI portrait image function generated a huge buzz, dominating foreign social media for a period. The technology behind the clay AI is not complex, with similar reshaping features available in other AI image generation software. The clay video trend has also emerged, such as a vlogger on Douyin producing clay-style travel Vlogs, which quickly gained popularity with thousands of likes and shares. However, this vlogger did not use Remini but spent hours manually redoing the images to achieve the clay effect. Reference: This article is from the WeChat public account: Xinzhiyuan (ID: AI_era)
