DuckStation A Popular Sony PS1 Emulator Project's License Changes

TapTechNews September 18th news, DuckStation is a popular open-source project of Sony PS1 emulator. However, this project has modified the license agreement twice this month and is no longer an open-source software.

DuckStation originally used the GPL license. According to the GPL requirement, the modified version needs to make the source code public, but many times the modified versions do not comply with this requirement.

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DuckStation changed to the PolyFormStrict license agreement on September 1st and then switched to the CC-BY-NC-ND license agreement again on September 13th, prohibiting commercial use and derivative works, which means that DuckStation is only superficially open-source while prohibiting anyone from repackaging.

The author of the DuckStation project, stenzek, said in GitHub that changing the license has obtained the consent of the main contributors. He is fed up with the frequent violations of the GPL license by some projects and said that he would consider closing the source code repository if harassed. TapTechNews attaches the following content of stenzek's reply:

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