Hongmeng Zhixing's Charging Network Expansion and Cooperation with NIO Energy

TapTechNews August 10th news, Hongmeng Zhixing seldom discloses data related to charging services. The official revealed today that Hongmeng Zhixing has opened more than 900,000 charging guns in more than 340 cities.

It is introduced that on average, one Hongmeng Zhixing charging station can be found every 10 minutes in the urban areas of first- and second-tier cities, and one charging station can be reached every 20 minutes on the expressway.

 Hongmeng Zhixings Charging Network Expansion and Cooperation with NIO Energy_0

On July 17th this year, NIO Energy's charging network announced its opening to Hongmeng Zhixing, including various models such as the AITO M5, AITO M7, and AITO M9.

TapTechNews found through inquiry that NIO Energy has currently laid out 3,937 charging stations and more than 22,956 charging piles across the country, with the daily availability rate of charging piles reaching 99.83%, making NIO the automotive brand with the most charging piles laid out nationwide.
