Microsoft to End Windows 10 Support in 2025, Urges Users to Upgrade to Windows 11

TapTechNews May 25th news, Microsoft quietly updated its official support page a few weeks ago. In addition to Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 (which has already stopped being supported in January 2023), it also reminds Windows 10 users that the relevant support will end next October.

Microsoft to End Windows 10 Support in 2025, Urges Users to Upgrade to Windows 11_0

TapTechNews attaches a screenshot of the page. Microsoft says:

The support provided for Windows 10 will terminate in October 2025.

After October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or technical support for Windows 10. Your computer can still work properly, but we recommend that you migrate to Windows 11.

Microsoft to End Windows 10 Support in 2025, Urges Users to Upgrade to Windows 11_1

Microsoft recommends users to upgrade to the Windows 11 system for free on the page, and also attaches three sections of Understanding Windows 11, Comparing Windows 10 and 11, and How to Buy a Laptop to let more users understand and upgrade to the Windows 11 system.

Microsoft to End Windows 10 Support in 2025, Urges Users to Upgrade to Windows 11_2

Microsoft to End Windows 10 Support in 2025, Urges Users to Upgrade to Windows 11_3

Microsoft to End Windows 10 Support in 2025, Urges Users to Upgrade to Windows 11_4
