BYD Solicits Clues of Underhanded PR, Announces Reward

TapTechNews June 19th, it was reported that Li Yunfei, the general manager of Brand and Public Relations of BYD, posted that a certain automaker was using underhanded PR tactics to belittle, drag down and maliciously slander the company's brand and products. Now, it is soliciting effective clues and evidence of such underhanded PR from the general public and all sectors of society, and rewarding 200,000 - 5 million Chinese yuan to the providers of effective clues and evidence.

TapTechNews attached the original text as follows:

Recently, we have received many reminders: A certain automaker is using underhanded PR tactics to belittle, drag down and maliciously slander our company's brand and products! Regarding the above and past situations, we are now soliciting effective clues and evidence of underhanded PR from the general public and all sectors of society, including but not limited to chat records, audio and video recordings, emails, contracts, payment of fees and other information. As long as it can clearly point to the relevant individuals, underhanded PR advertising companies or relevant automakers, we will sort and report to the relevant departments such as the Public Security Economic Investigation. After verification to be true, 200,000 - 5 million Chinese yuan will be rewarded to the providers of effective clues and evidence, and at the same time, the personal information of the providers will be strictly kept confidential! The following are the channels for accepting clues and evidence:


Weibo: @BYDNewsAnti-FraudOffice @BYDFaWuBu

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At the 2024 China Automobile Chongqing Forum some time ago, Li Yunfei also said that now the competition among domestic automakers is too fierce, with all kinds of open and hidden, on the table and under the table, both on and off the stage.

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It is worth mentioning that last month, @BYDFaWuBu posted that BYD decided to officially file a lawsuit against the automotive blogger Yao * Qiang, demanding that he publicly apologize and compensate for the loss of 5 million Chinese yuan, because the blogger deliberately exaggerated the fuel consumption of its Leopard 5 model .
