Google to Sort Settings Options in Android 15, Reduce First-level Menus

TapTechNews June 19th news, the tech media AndroidAuthority today published a blog post, reverse compiling the Settings application in the Android 15 Beta 3 update, and found that Google is about to sort out the settings options in Android 15, and the number of first-level menus will be reduced from 20 to 18.

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Based on the media's report content, TapTechNews briefly summarizes the comparison of the first-level menu contents of the Android 14/Android 15 system settings application as follows:

Android 14 Settings First-level Menu ItemsAndroid 15 Settings First-level Menu Items1. Network1. Network2. Hub Mode (only Pixel Tablet)2. Connected Devices3. Connected Devices3. Apps4. Apps4. Notifications5. Notifications5. Sound and Vibration6. Battery6. Hub Mode (only Pixel Tablet)7. Storage7. Display8. Sound and Vibration8. Wallpaper and Styles9. Display9. Storage10. Wallpaper and Styles10. Battery11. Accessibility Features11. System12. Security and Privacy12. About Phone13. Location13. Security and Privacy14. Security and Emergencies14. Location15. Password, Passkey and Autofill15. Password, Passkey and Autofill16. DigitalWellbeing and Parental Controls16. Security and Emergencies17. Google17. Accessibility Features18. System18. Tips and Support19. About Phone20. Tips and Support

The Android 15 Beta 3 update also further distinguishes the setting chunks in a cell manner, and it can be seen from the list that the Google and DigitalWellbeing & parentalcontrols control options have been removed from the first-level menu and will be merged into the second-level menus.

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