Humane Company Requests Users to Halt Use of Charging Case Due to Battery Concerns

TapTechNews June 6 news, Humane company today sent a letter to all AIPin users, asking them to immediately stop using the charging case included with the device. In an email sent to customers, the company said that due to the potential fire safety hazard of the battery provided by a third party, it is necessary to suspend the use of the charging case.

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Humane said that they have blacklisted the battery supplier involved and are looking for a new partner. The company emphasized that the AIPin host, the magnetic expansion battery, and the charging base are not affected and can be used safely. In order to compensate for the inconvenience to users, Humane will provide users with two months of free subscription service, which is necessary to use some AIPin functions. Currently, the company has not stated anything about replacing the charging case, only saying that it will share more information after completing the investigation.

TapTechNews noticed that in addition to the email notification, Humane does not seem to have posted a relevant battery safety hazard announcement on its official website or its social media account.

In November 2023, with the ambition to disrupt the technology industry, Humane company released its first product - the wearable artificial intelligence assistant AiPin. AiPin runs on the Android system, uses an artificial intelligence model to answer users' questions, and displays information on the user's palm through laser projection, aiming to replace the smartphone and complete daily tasks through voice control. However, this product encountered a fiasco at the beginning of its launch. In April 2024, AiPin was officially launched, and users and reviewers who got the product pointed out that there were serious defects, such as extremely poor battery life, frequent overheating, sluggish response, and many software problems.

Last month, Bloomberg reported that in the face of the cold reception of AiPin in the market, Humane company seems to have made a difficult choice and is planning to seek an acquirer.
