Lindroid An Open-Source App for Installing Linux on Android Phones

TapTechNews June 19th news, Erfan Abdi released the Lindroid open-source application this month, allowing users to install the GNU/Linux distribution on Android phones, and Linux applications can be run when the phone hardware is fully supported.

The Lindroid open-source application is to put Linux in the container and use technologies such as Halium to achieve support for hardware graphics acceleration and more on Android devices.

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Abdi said that Lindroid is a bit like Waydroid, except that the latter runs Android applications on Linux devices, while the former runs Linux distributions/applications on Android devices.

Lindroid requires an already rooted Android device. Abdi said that in the future, a Magisk module will be provided so that Lindroid can be installed on a rooted Android device as simply as installing an application.

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Lindroid supports installing mobile-friendly Linux distributions, including Ubuntu Touch and Droidian, and user interfaces include Lomiri, Phosh, and Plasma Mobile. It defaults to using the KWin compositor, but also experimentally supports x11.

TapTechNews attaches the project's GitHub address, and interested users can click to experience.
