CIRP Report Reveals Apple Users' iPad Replacement Cycle

\rThanks to TapTechNews users Tu, Lang Xian, Tuba Brother's Nest, Shake Shake Tree Branch, Alexanderio, kkkkkkkkkayd, and All-around Boy for the clues! TapTechNews reported on May 16 that after the release of the 2024 Apple iPad Pro and Air, CIRP also released a new survey report, revealing the replacement cycle of Apple users. Like iPhone users, iPad users' replacement cycle is increasing year by year. CIRP data shows that the highest proportion of iPad users (40%) will on average 'hold for 3 years or longer', a 4% increase from 2023 and a 12% increase from 2022. In addition, the proportion of users with a replacement cycle of 2-3 years has increased to 25%, an increase of 2% from 2023 and 2022; while the proportions of users within 1-2 years or less than 1 year have respectively decreased to 25% and 10%. CIRP emphasized that for tablet computers, users typically use them until they break, the battery fails, or the storage space is used up. So, how do you view this data? How long do you think an iPad can typically be used for? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below TapTechNews! References: 'Apple Customers Have Been Waiting for New iPads'
